Digital tax consultant office


We are Digital Law Firm 2023 of DATEV

The digital tax advisor is on the rise; in January 2024, DATEV once again awarded the Digital Law Firm seal to the tax team, recognizing our efforts to offer all clients fully digital tax advice. The DATEV seal confirms our consistent efforts on the way to becoming a digital tax office. Clients can digitize parts of their bookkeeping and payroll accounting or – as is increasingly popular with young companies – work completely digitally with the tax team.
The trend towards digital tax consultancy is obvious and irreversible: Away from classic folders and tons of paper, towards completely digital accounting, in which all receipts are scanned and then sent by email or uploaded to a digital folder system of DATEV. With digital bookkeeping, you only send us scanned copies of your receipts and keep the originals in your company, we will process your bookkeeping comprehensively and competently in the usual way.

With companies online for digital tax advice

In short, the DATEV company online service is a portal used jointly by the client and the digital tax consultant, on which receipts and documents are collected, managed and processed in digital form. Of course, the portal is very well secured and can be accessed via smart login on a mobile phone or with a notebook using a USB smart card. A variable user and rights management ensures that employees of the client or the law firm can only view the data that they need for their respective function. With additional modules such as order management online, companies can be expanded online at any time and then create invoices and manage open items. With the help of the tax consultant, companies online can save further documents and integrate them into the digital personnel file. DATEV’s programs enable clear and central processing of all operational concerns and make the use of other software tools superfluous. Due to the direct connection of all modules to the global DATEV data center, problematic interfaces are finally a thing of the past. Welcome to the digital future! Business online can also manage bank accounts and independently link them to receipts. Even credit cards and PayPal accounts are indirectly supported as payment sources. After a learning phase, companies can correctly post regular outgoing and incoming payments to the bank account online, the digital law firm only has to check the whole thing. With the smart tools from companies online, accounting can already be partially automated today.

With My Taxes, income tax is also going digital

What is right for companies can only be cheap for the people who work there. With the My Taxes service, DATEV has created the perfect counterpart to companies online for private income tax. Both portals can share data or receipts if this is necessary for the conclusion. From files to online – thanks to DATEV’s My Taxes offer, this now applies not only to corporate concerns but also to private income tax.

Your advantages with the digital tax office

Every beginning is difficult – this also applies to a limited extent to digital tax advice. However, once difficulties with the changeover have been overcome, you can look forward to an increase in efficiency and a gain in productivity, which not least has a positive effect on the cost structure. Young startups want to work completely paperless and exclusively digitally right from the start, but many established medium-sized companies are also trying to digitize all processes in bookkeeping, payroll accounting and accounting in a timely manner.

• Time and cost savings compared to sending receipts by post
• No risk of losing original receipts in the mail
• Simple and efficient payroll accounting
• Simplify digital personnel files with the tax consultant

Curious? We would be happy to advise you on all questions relating to digital tax advice and accounting.