Our law firm, Steuerteam GmbH, has been awarded the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact certificate for its commitment to sustainability. We present the initiative, show our implemented measures such as resource conservation and ecological processes, and explain how we take responsibility for clients, the environment and society. For us, sustainability is a core value that we actively live by and embed in our tax advice in the long term.
Sustainability is far more than just a buzzword for us – it is a core value that shapes our actions. As a tax firm, we see it as our responsibility to combine ecological, social and economic aspects and to create long-term positive effects for the environment, clients and society. Our award of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact certificate underlines our commitment and shows how we actively live sustainability in our firm.
Today, sustainability is a decisive factor for companies that want to take responsibility for the environment, society and future generations. Our law firm, Steuerteam GmbH, has internalized this claim and translated it into concrete measures. In recognition of our commitment, we were awarded the certificate of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact – a milestone that encourages us to consistently continue on our path of sustainable tax consultancy.
The Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is a voluntary initiative of the Bavarian state government in cooperation with the business community. The aim of this program is to promote companies that go beyond the legal requirements for environmental and climate protection. As a participant, we are committed to strengthening ecological processes, using resources efficiently and assuming social responsibility. This certificate is not just an award for us, but an incentive to continuously expand our sustainable actions.
We are particularly proud of the certificate we received, which highlights our commitment to sustainable development. It is proof that sustainability is not just a goal, but a core value of our law firm. Our clients can be confident that we not only set future-oriented and environmentally friendly standards in our advice, but also in our own actions.
On this page, we would like to show you what the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact means, what measures we have implemented for certification and how we have integrated sustainability into our law firm strategy in the long term. Because we are convinced that acting sustainably is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity to have a positive impact on the environment, society and the economy.
The Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is a voluntary initiative of the Bavarian state government that works together with businesses to protect the environment and climate. The aim is to motivate companies to voluntarily take measures that go beyond legal requirements and thus make an active contribution to preserving the basis of our existence. This unique platform promotes dialog between politics and business in order to jointly develop innovative solutions for ecological and sustainable challenges.
Participation in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is open to companies that are prepared to take responsibility and use their resources efficiently. The program aims to harmonize ecological, social and economic aspects and thereby create long-term positive effects for the environment, society and the economy. The pact is based on voluntariness, personal responsibility and cooperation – fundamental values that we also share as a law firm.
The advantages of participating are manifold: in addition to public recognition through the certificate and the certificate, the pact offers access to a network of committed companies, practice-oriented recommendations for action and targeted consulting services. Participants also benefit from the opportunity to present their pioneering role in terms of sustainability and to convince their clients and society of their commitment.
The Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact pursues clear objectives: the promotion of sustainable business practices, the reduction of CO₂ emissions, the careful use of resources and the further development of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Another goal is to increase acceptance of environmental and climate protection measures among the population and to inspire companies to become active as well.
Our participation in the pact is not just an award for us, but an obligation to actively integrate the values of sustainability, responsibility and innovation into our work processes. With our commitment, we not only want to improve our own processes, but also encourage other companies and clients to follow a sustainable path.
The Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is a strong signal that voluntary initiatives can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment and climate. For us, it is an honor to be part of this movement and to take responsibility together with other stakeholders.
Our firm’ s participation in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is an expression of our sustainable actions and our responsibility for the environment and society. With targeted measures, we have shown how we combine ecological, social and economic aspects in our day-to-day work and actively contribute to the conservation of resources.
One of the key measures we have implemented is the operation of a photovoltaic system, which has generated over 68,000 kWh of electricity since it was commissioned in 2018. This has enabled us to save more than 40 tons of CO₂ – equivalent to the CO₂ storage of around 3,200 beech trees. In addition, another system with a capacity of 16.5 kWp was installed in 2024, underlining our commitment to renewable energies.
We have also achieved significant successes in the area of paper consumption: We have reduced our per capita consumption by over 30% since 2019. By switching to digital processes and introducing resource-saving technologies, we are continuously reducing our ecological footprint. In addition, an internal working group has been set up in which employees actively develop and implement measures on the topics of waste, purchasing and water conservation.
The path to certification began with the submission of our application on November 13, 2024, where we met the criteria for administrative and office operations and, with 190 points, far exceeded the minimum requirement of 50 points. The achievements submitted included the use of green electricity, the use of energy-efficient lighting systems, the operation of two electric and two plug-in hybrid company vehicles and the installation of charging stations for sustainable mobility.
On December 5, 2024, we were officially awarded the certificate of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact. This award recognizes our commitment and highlights our efforts to promote long-term sustainable processes. The ceremonial presentation of the certificate is still pending and will be another highlight for us on our way to becoming an even more sustainable law firm.
For us, certification is not only recognition, but also an incentive to continue to act as a role model for our clients, partners and society. We see our participation as an obligation to continuously develop and implement new measures that take into account both environmental and social aspects and further strengthen the positive impact of our work.
For us as a law firm, sustainability is much more than a momentary initiative – it is a core value that shapes our actions and forms the basis for our long-term strategy. We don’t just want to impress through individual measures, but rather pursue a holistic approach that combines ecological, social and economic aspects.
Our aim is to continuously develop sustainable processes and embed them in all areas of our firm. The main focus here is on reducing the consumption of resources, improving our carbon footprint and promoting a responsible approach to the environment. An important step in this direction was the establishment of an internal working group on a voluntary basis, in which committed employees actively work on new ideas and projects to continuously improve our sustainable orientation.
As a participant in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact, we also see it as our responsibility to inspire other companies. Our award should not only be a recognition of our commitment, but also a signal to our clients and partners: Sustainability is possible and brings long-term benefits not only to the environment, but also to society and the economy.
We want to use our role model function to spread the idea of sustainability. We openly share our experiences, demonstrate the positive effects of our measures and motivate others to become active too. Because only together can we bring about sustainable changes that have an impact beyond individual companies and make a real difference.
In the future, we want to further expand our efforts by taking additional ecological measures and making our actions even more transparent by producing a voluntary sustainability report. This will enable us to monitor our own sustainability efforts. For us, sustainability is an ongoing task that we approach with conviction and passion.
Our vision is clear: as a sustainable law firm, we don’t just want to meet expectations, we want to set new standards – for our clients, our partners and society. This commitment to the future combines economic success with ecological responsibility and makes us part of the solution to the challenges of our time.
We would like to thank our employees and partners whose dedication and support make our commitment to sustainability possible. Without their contribution, the successes we have achieved and the award from the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact would be inconceivable.
We invite our clients to find out about our sustainable measures and benefit from our experience. Let us work together to find ways in which you too can benefit from sustainable processes and the responsible use of resources. We look forward to continuing on this path with you – for a sustainable future that affects us all.
Copyright © 2024 Steuerteam GmbH . All rights reserved.
Steuerteam GmbH – Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Landsberg, München
Am Penzinger Feld 19a – D-86899 Landsberg am Lech
Tel.+49 81 91 – 91 70-0 – Fax +49 81 91 / 21 87 7
Design und Konzeption: www.stilecht-werbung.de