business-start-ups in Germany

Financing, promotion and consulting for business start-ups

In addition to the actual start-up, the founders are mainly concerned with questions of financing and funding and are looking for competent advice. Business founders who dare to take the step into self-employment first need a brilliant business idea, then a watertight business plan and finally active support with the necessary start-up capital. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) offer help in assessing entrepreneurial opportunities and risks, the loan for some good ideas comes from the KfW Bank, and the tax office and taxes also come into play from the start of the business.

Success factors of business start-ups

Successful business founders plan their project thoroughly, take a close look at the competition in the sector before setting up their business and apply for a start-up grant at an early stage. The entrepreneurial challenges of self-employment require comprehensive advice, which is best started before the company is actually founded. Our tax consultants specialize in business start-ups and all economic and tax issues relating to advising start-ups.

Business start-up consulting

Between 2000 and 2023, we provided dedicated advice and long-term support to many start-ups, many of which were very successful. Once the business plan has been drawn up from the business idea, we advise on the choice of company form and permanent establishment and provide support with financing and tax planning. In addition to the start-up grant from various funding programs, we help with the procurement of further loans, insurance, etc. Through our active involvement in the Munich Business Plan Competition and our close and long-standing contacts with business angels, venture capital companies, banks, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and BayStartUp, we make a decisive contribution to the success of founding a new company and also support you throughout the rest of your entrepreneurial life.

Our service for start-ups
  • Assistance in drawing up business plans based on your business idea
  • Choice of business form and location
  • Financing and start-up grants from various support programmes
  • Procurement of loans, KfW loans and insurances